Purpose of the Programme

In today’s dynamic business landscape, emerging technologies offer unprecedented opportunities but also present significant challenges. This workshop aims to help Executives and Senior Leaders develop a robust understanding of exponential and emergent digital technologies and their implications on business models and change strategies. We will delve into why developing internal Change Capabilities is a strategic priority for reducing costs, mitigating the risk of change failure, and increasing buy-in and adoption within your organisation.

Specific Learning Outcomes

By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:


  • Understand and identify key emerging technologies and their potential opportunities and impact on business.
  • Understand how to align technology adoption with existing business models and strategies or create new, disruptive business models.
  • Develop a roadmap for building internal Change Capabilities.
  • Recognise the cost and risk implications of technology adoption and change management.
  • Gain actionable insights into securing organisational buy-in for change initiatives.

Benefits of Attendance

  • Gain a competitive edge by understanding the landscape of emerging technologies.
  • Learn practical approaches to integrate innovative technologies into your business model.
  • Acquire the skills needed to navigate the complexities of digital transformation.
  • Walk away with a blueprint for building internal Change Capabilities that align with your organisation’s strategic priorities.

Programme Detail / Outline

Module 1: Understanding the Digital Landscape 

  • Introduction to Exponential Technologies.
  • Artificial Intelligence.
  • Blockchain.
  • Internet of Things (IoT) etc.

Module 2: Business Models in the Digital Age 

  • Digital Transformation & Traditional Business Models.
  • Case Studies: Companies that Successfully Pivoted.

Module 3: The Strategic Importance of Change Capabilities 

  • The Costs of Ignoring Change Management.
  • How to Develop Change Capabilities.
  • Tools and Best Practices.

Module 4: Risks and Challenges 

  • Identifying and Mitigating Risks.
  • Case Studies: Change Failure and Lessons Learned.

Module 5: Building a Roadmap for Change

  • Assessing Your Organisation’s Change Readiness.
  • Steps to Develop a Change Roadmap.
  • Securing Buy-in Across All Levels of the Organisation.

Module 6: Wrap-up and Q&A 

  • Summary of Key Takeaways.
  • Open Forum for Questions.
  • Feedback and Evaluation.

This comprehensive workshop provides not just theoretical knowledge but actionable strategies that can be immediately implemented in your organisation. Secure your organisation’s future relevance by building digital capabilities today. We look forward to your participation.

Duration and Delivery

This delivery of our programme is available online and is designed to accommodate the busy schedules of today’s professionals! 


Don’t get stuck online for eight hours a day! Navigating Emerging Technologies: Building Digital Capabilities for Future Relevance programme is conducted through several workshops over six weeks. 


The programme is delivered through a flexible combination of self-study and virtual facilitator-led sessions. We use a combination of presentations, “lectures”, case studies, videos, group discussions, and hands-on exercises. Participants will also have access to online resources and materials to support their learning and development.


Upon registration you will receive a link to access the online programme material which you can work through at your own pace. There are six modules, and most participants find that one hour each week is all that is required to keep pace.


In addition, our cohort meets online once each week for a 2-hour for a facilitator-led session. These sessions elevate your learning experience by bringing together the cohort, and the Change Capabilities facilitator / SME, to discuss that week’s module and work through the content collaboratively.